Preventive measures to keep tooth decay and more at bay.
The word prophylaxis comes from the Greek words pro, meaning ‘before’, and phylax, meaning ‘guardian’. The analogous translation is ‘exclude from the outset’. Dental prophylaxis is a preventative measure to protect teeth and gums from plaque, tartar deposits, caries and gum diseases such as periodontitis. Your dental care at home and regular prophylactic treatments help prevent these problems from occurring in the first place.
Professional dental cleaning, also known as dental hygiene, is an important part of prophylactic oral care. It involves a thorough cleaning of the teeth to remove plaque, discolouration and tartar in order to prevent tooth decay and periodontitis.
As part of a detailed prophylactic treatment, not only will your teeth be thoroughly cleaned, but the following measures will also be taken:
Your personal risk profile for caries or periodontitis is recorded;
protective varnishes are applied to your teeth;
oral care products will be individually recommended;
Your teeth and oral mucosa are closely examined;
Your brushing behaviour at home is analysed;
and you will be demonstrated how to optimally care for your teeth.