Appointments for acute pain and other emergencies at short notice.
A dental emergency is a dental injury or disease that requires immediate action. The following incidents are usually considered dental emergencies:
Verletzungen, die sich im Bereich von Zahn, Mund und Kiefer (Zahn- und Kieferfrakturen, Zungen- und Lippenverletzungen) befinden.
Postoperative Nachblutungen nach zahnärztlich / chirurgischen Eingriffen (z. B. Zahnentfernungen, Weisheitszahnoperationen, Implantatbehandlungen).
Akute Infektionen (z. B. Kieferabszesse, eine dicke Backe oder Zahnfleischentzündungen)
Heftige Zahnschmerzen, die sich mittels Schmerzmitteln nicht beruhigen lassen
Emergency appointments are also available outside of regular office hours, but require a prior call.
Root canal treatment is a procedure used to treat severely painful or infected teeth. During root canal treatment, the tooth nerve and blood vessels are removed and the root canal is expanded and disinfected. This prevents the infection from spreading to other parts of the jaw and reduces the risk of tooth loss.
We always treat you with the help of high-power magnifying glasses so that all nerve canals can be treated safely.
Dental accidents happen at home, during leisure time or while playing sports. Even severely injured teeth can often be saved if properly recognised and treated.
It’s important to contact the dental practice immediately. We also accept calls outside of our office hours.
Place broken pieces of teeth, but especially completely knocked out teeth, in a tooth rescue box. If you don’t have one, place in cold milk or wrap in cling film. See a dentist immediately.
Not every milk tooth accident is a dental emergency. We are also happy to provide you with information over the telephone for peace of mind. However, such accidents must be reported to the health insurance company.